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En Cusco, cada rincón está plagado de historia. Porque la antigua capital del Perú (durante el Imperio Inca), aún mantiene vestigios de lo que fuera el poderío más importante de esta antigua civilización.
La historia milenaria se respira en cada paso que des por las calles de sus pueblos, que parecen haberse detenido en el tiempo. Sus ciudades, que están plagadas de tanto misticismo que no querrás irte jamás. Y si tienes que partir, siempre habrá ese deseo que te consume por dentro para volver lo más pronto posible.
El primer paso, es llegar al Cusco. ¿La forma más sencilla? A través de un vuelo. Debido a la alta demanda de turistas, era imposible no contar con un aeropuerto internacional en el Cusco, aunque la mayoría de vuelos tienen que pasar por Lima, antes de llegar a la ciudad imperial. Desde la capital peruana, toma una hora y 15 minutos, aproximadamente, llegar al destino elegido. Sin embargo, no es la única vía para acceder al Cusco: para los amantes de los viajes en carretera, existe la ruta Lima-Abancay-Cusco y Lima-Arequipa-Cusco que toma unas 21 a 26 horas, respectivamente.

Place of Departure


Place of Return

Ciudad del Cusco

Departure Time

10:00 or 13:00

Return Time

14:00 or 18:00

What does it include?

Tourist bus.
Bilingual guide (English and Spanish).

What is NOT included?

Tourist Ticket: foreigners to S/.70.00 soles, Peruvians S/. 40.00 soles
Entrance to Qoricancha S/. 15.00 soles.
Tips and any other personal expenses.

We recommend carrying

Dinero extra
Gafas de sol

Our circuit will begin (1:00 p.m., we will pick you up at your hotel or airbnb, we will visit the Qoricancha or ancient Inca Temple of the Sun, built with stone blocks, with very fine finishes, which, before the arrival of the invaders, were plated with gold sheets. Saqsayhuaman, whose monoliths, weighing up to 130 tons, were worked and settled, block on block, without any mortar, among them. Apparently, in addition to its fortified appearance, this monumental complex fulfilled astronomical, sacred and ceremonial.

The next architectural complex that we will visit is Qenqo. At first sight, today, one sees the sculpture, destroyed by the Spanish, of a totem, or Apu, shaped like a phallus, or male member. In addition, on the back rock, whose surface is sculpted with monkeys, is the Sector of Rites for Fertility and Water.

Our next visit is the Puka Pukara Architectural Complex, which consists of a walled construction that gives it a military appearance and, from its highest part, you can appreciate a good view of the entire valley.

Then, we will visit Tambomachay, also known as the Temple of the Water Divinity. Our tour will end around 5:30 p.m. and the drop off will be in the center of Cusco

  • Monday to Sunday
  • 10:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.


“Prices are not valid for holidays, Easter, national holidays, New Years, some holidays and long weekends”

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Price per person

*We recommend booking 1 to 2 days in advance to avoid inconveniences on the tour.

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