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LARES TREK MACHU PICCHU 4 days and 3 nights


Place of Departure


Place of Return

Ciudad del Cusco

Departure Time

06:00 am

Return Time

What does it include?

Transportation to Lares.
Train-Ollantaytambo – Machu Picchu – Ollantaytambo.
Bus-Ollanta – Cuzco.
Camping equipment, tents, matras, dining tent, kitchen, tables and chairs.
Entrance to Machu Picchu.
Bus to go up and down from Machu Picchu.
Hotel in “Machu-Picchu”.
First aid kit, oxygen.
Professional guide.
Horses or mules to transport the equipment.
Food (3 breakfasts, 3 lunches, 3 dinners).

What is NOT included?

First breakfast, last lunch.
Sleeping bag.
Entrance to the Lares hot springs.

We recommend carrying

Original passport.
Raincoat and rain poncho.
Good walking shoes (sandals).
Sleeping bag (feather).
Flashlight – batteries.
Binoculars (optional).
Walking stick (optional).
Extra money.
Small backpack. Personal medications (if necessary).

Day 01: Cusco – Lares – Huacahuasi.

Pick up from your hotel at 06:00 a.m. In our transport we will go to Calca, where we will stop for breakfast and take a short tour of the typical market of Calca, continuing we will arrive at the “Abra de Hualcapunku” (4300 masl / 14,107 feet ) where we can appreciate the views of the snow. from Ausangate which is the highest snow-capped peak in the Cuzco region (6370 masl / 20,898 feet) continuing we will arrive at the hot waters of Lares we will have time to enjoy the waters continuing we will have lunch and prepare to leave our way to Hucahuasi a walk between 2 to 3 hours (3,800 masl / 12,467 feet), where we will spend the night in tents.

Day 02: Huacahuasi – Patacancha.

In the morning we will enjoy our breakfast to start our walk towards the Abra de Ipsaycocha with beautiful views of the Vilcanota mountain range. Then we will go down to the Ipsaycocha lagoon with views of the Patacancha valley, which will be our second camp.

Day 03: Patacancha – Ollantaytambo – “Machu Picchu”.

After our breakfast, we will continue our trek. From this point we will find agricultural platforms and we will pass through the community of Willoq, a very picturesque town, the attraction above all is for its very characteristic clothing of a place made by themselves where the red green yellow color predominates in their textiles. We have one for lunch in the town of Ollantaytambo. In the afternoon, we will take the train to “Machu-Picchu” and spend the night in a hotel.

Day 04: Machu Picchu – Cuzco.

After breakfast at the hotel, we will take one of the first buses that will take us to the Inca citadel of Machu Picchu, where we will have a guided tour, in an approximate time of 2 hours. Then, we will return to the town of “Machu-Picchu”, to take our train back to Ollantaytambo and then transport us back to Cusco, where you will be dropped off at your hotel.

  • Tours are in shared service
  • In case of No show, cancellations or postponements, 100% will be charged
  • 100% payment to guarantee your reservation
  • You can pay with any credit/debit card or by bank deposit
  • Check availability before making the payment


“Prices are not valid for holidays, Easter, national holidays, New Years, some holidays and long weekends”

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Price per person

*We recommend booking 1 to 2 days in advance to avoid inconveniences on the tour.

Why book with us?

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