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Place of Departure


Place of Return

Ciudad del Cusco

Departure Time

7:00 am

Return Time

18:00 pm

What does it include?

Certified guide in Spanish / English
Tourist Mobility with bathroom
Buffet lunch
Service on board

What is NOT included?

Entrance tickets to the places to visit S/ 50.00 soles
Pick up hotel Cusco

We recommend carrying

06:40 HRS Departure from OUR TERMINAL IN CUSCO
Andahuaylillas “Sistine Chapel of America”
​​We will visit the church of San Pedro Apóstol de Andahuaylillas, built by the Jesuits in the 16th century. Like other Spanish and religious constructions of the time, it was built on top of a huaca or sacred place for the Incas. Made of adobe and brick, the church is a small structure consisting of a single nave, apse, and bell tower. But there’s a reason it’s known as America’s Sistine Chapel.
Raqchi – “Temple of Wiracocha”
The most important building within the complex is the “Temple of Wiracocha” which according to ancient chroniclers was built by the Inca Wiracocha in honor of the invisible Superior God of the Andean people “Apu Kon Titi Wiracocha”.
The “Wiracocha Temple” is a great construction for that age. Architecturally it is classified as “Kallanka”, that is, a tall building completely covered with thatch.
Marangani Buffet Lunch
La Raya (tourist inn with beautiful Andean landscapes)
Abra La Raya (La Raya) is the watershed between the valley that flows into Lake Titicaca and the valley that leads to Cusco and the Sacred Valley. The altitude is 4,338 meters.
Pucará Museum – “The temple of fertility”
Pucará was the first regional population center in the northern Titicaca basin of the lake during the Late Formative Period (500 BC-AD 200), which provides valuable information on the origins of Andean civilization in the highlands.
The Pucará style is identified by impressive monolithic sculptures with a variety of geometric, zoomorphic, and the most intricate anthropomorphic images, multi-colored ceramics in a variety of ritual and domestic forms.
17:00 HRS Arrival to PUNO (BUS TERMINAL)

  • Monday to Sunday
  • 06:40 AM
  • Tour in shared service.
  • Children: From the age of 4 years old they pay the same rate, children under 5 years old can accommodate themselves in the legs of their parents.
  • Pick up hotel in Puno $22.00 USD up to 3 people and Return to the hotel in Cusco $22.00 USD up to 3 people.
  • They must show up 20 minutes before the indicated time for boarding.
  • In case of No show, cancellations or postponements, 100% will be charged
  • 100% payment to guarantee your reservation
  • You can pay with any credit/debit card or by bank deposit
  • Check availability before making the payment
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Price per person

*We recommend booking 1 to 2 days in advance to avoid inconveniences on the tour.

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